So You've Decided to Homeschool... Now What?
Every homeschool family has a moment where they’ve made the decision to take the plunge and leave the well-beaten path of public school in order to teach their kids at home. For some, they grew up homeschooled and it was the obvious choice. For others, they pulled their kids from public school somewhere along the way, seeking something better for their family. Maybe for you it’s somewhere in between!
I remember that day for our family. Our oldest child was preschool-aged and my husband (Josh) and I had been going back and forth about whether we should send him to school the following year, or homeschool our kids for the foreseeable future. His conviction to homeschool was steadily growing, while I remained obstinate, convinced that all homeschoolers would end up socially awkward with a substandard education. (Don’t be mad at younger me...I was young and knew nothing but stereotypes!)
The subject of homeschooling had come up, yet again, on our drive home from somewhere, and we seemed to be at a stand-still in the conversation, as we did not see eye to eye on how to move forward. Josh pulled into the driveway, turned off the car, and stared quietly for a moment. Then he looked at me and said, “I’ll just homeschool him when I get off from work. You won’t have to do anything.” It was then that I knew it was time to submit to my husband and jump on board!
Thankfully, my heart for homeschooling didn’t stay there! What started as submitting to my husband (though arguably not quickly enough) and, by extension, obeying God, turned into a journey with my kids that I wouldn’t trade for the world! My days aren’t always easy, and I can’t say I don’t ever melt down on the hard days, but the time I have with my kids is something I would never wish away! I won’t get to the end of my life and think, “Man, I wish I’d invested less time and energy into my kids when they were young!”
Regardless of how you came to the decision to homeschool, perhaps you find yourself staring into the unknowns wondering, “Now what?” I remember having that same feeling almost nine years ago! And while I don’t consider myself a “veteran,” there are a few things I usually pass on to other moms who come to me searching for next steps!
Remember Your “Why”
Homeschooling is not the easier way. I’m just going to say it. There are amazing freedoms that come with it, don’t get me wrong! You can decide the schedule, the breaks, the curriculum! But it’s also a very real, sometimes difficult, responsibility. And if you forget why you decided to homeschool in the first place, you’ll find yourself dreaming of a big, yellow school bus to come pick up your kids so that you can go get coffee! (Or in my case, Dr. Pepper...)
The heart of your homeschool can’t just be looking for a better way for your kids to get a top-notch education. (And it can definitely be a top-notch education!) The heart of your homeschool should be discipleship. When people ask me why we homeschool, that’s essentially my answer: a greater opportunity to disciple my kids. Deuteronomy 6:7 says, “You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.” Our children are our disciples! Homeschooling is a wonderful opportunity to use their education and the extra time with them to weave the statutes of the Word into every part of their lives!
The extra time you spend with your children (and it will be a significant amount of extra time when you factor the forty hours a week they would’ve been in school!) is also an amazing opportunity to be in a close relationship with your children. Who are the people you’re generally closest to in life? It’s usually the ones you spend the most time with! Isn't it amazing to think that your children can be closest to their siblings and their parents?! What a blessing!
There are days where my kids are driving me crazy (because God has SO much work to do on my own heart...) and I text my husband to vent. His reply is often something like, “That’s why they need you, Babe.” Whether we’re learning, or doing chores, or they’re fighting, or getting along, everything we do is an opportunity to disciple them and build relationships with them. And the moment I lose sight of that, I’ll find myself questioning whether it’s really “worth” it. So remember your “why!”
Homeschool Conventions Are the Bomb-Diggity
Yep. I said it. I love homeschool conventions! And for a newbie homeschool mom, going to a homeschool convention was a huge blessing for me! I often encourage parents who are just starting out to take the time to go to a convention, big or small! We were in Tennessee recently, attending the Teach Them Diligently convention in Pigeon Forge with several other homeschool families we know! It was great!
“The heart of your homeschool should be discipleship.”
So why go? First of all, the encouragement! It’s amazing to be around other families who can encourage us on our journey! There are usually sessions that offer encouragement, answer common questions about various stages of homeschooling, and also speak to the spiritual aspects of what we’re doing when we homeschool (because it’s discipleship!). Even if you’ve been homeschooling for years, going to a convention can be a time to refresh and encourage, and get you excited for the next year!
Secondly, the curriculum exhibit is a HUGE draw for us! I know some conventions don’t have them, and they are still great for encouragement! But if you’re new, I think it’s nice to attend a convention with a vendor hall. Then, instead of doing all your research online, there are reps in attendance to answer questions and talk through their materials, and there are physical copies of curriculum you’re curious about to look through! At our first convention, I was overwhelmed when I first walked in, but by the time I left, looking through everything had given me the confidence to choose what I wanted to use for my son’s first year of school!
There are amazing national conventions to choose from, like Teach Them Diligently, and the convention Answers In Genesis recently launched, but there are also lots of local conventions that can be amazing as well! (And sometimes less overwhelming!) Look online for places local to where you live and see if you can find something that will work for you and your family! It doesn’t have to be a huge convention to be helpful!
Your First Year Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect, and Neither Does Your Curriculum!
I’ve seen the look of terror on many a mom’s face as they debate what curriculum to choose their first year. I get it! It’s overwhelming! Many moms are paralyzed in their decision-making, fearing that they’ll permanently mess up their kids. I’ve been there!
Sometimes the best way to get started on curriculum choice, once you’ve done some research, is to pick something that looks appealing to you and just go for it! If you poll every homeschool family about what curriculum they use, you’ll find a hundred different answers about what the “best” curriculum is. The reality is, we all make decisions on what we like based on our own family’s needs, which is one of the amazing things about homeschooling!
But you don’t have to find that perfect thing your first year. (Or even the second or third!) The key is to start somewhere. You’ll be amazed at how it’ll give you the confidence to get started. You may like what you did for one or two subjects, but want to make adjustments the following year in others. That’s great! That’s one of the amazing things about homeschooling! You can pick and choose what you like for you and your kids based on what works for your family! Remember, a perfect education isn’t the ultimate goal; discipling your kids and investing into lifelong relationships with them is the most important thing! If your kids get into Harvard, but don’t know the Lord or the truths of His Word, are they still successful? Curriculum isn’t as important as the gospel! Trust the Lord, be faithful to teach your kids in all areas, and the rest of the details have a way of working themselves out.
Make Sure You Know What Your State Requires
Every state has its own requirements for homeschooling. Some are very laid back, while others require quite a bit more in terms of reporting and testing. There are also required subjects that need to be taught each year.
The Homeschool Legal Defense Association (which you should totally be a member protects the rights of homeschool families and will protect you, too, should you need it!) has a list of each state’s requirements. You can check that out here: It will let you know if there is required testing, what you need to report to the local school, if anything, and what subjects are mandatory in your state. This will help you know where to start and what you need to teach!
If Possible, Find Other Homeschool Families Close To You
It can be a huge blessing to have other families close by who also homeschool. I realize it’s not necessarily possible everywhere, but the homeschool movement has grown so much that it may surprise you how many people are homeschooling... maybe even near you! I have the great blessing of having other homeschool moms to do life with. We go on field trips together, we have a co-op that we started at a local church that we fellowship together at, we vent to one another, go to conventions together, and encourage one another. I’m exceedingly grateful to God for the women He’s placed in my life!
“If your kids get into Harvard, but don’t know the Lord or the truths of His Word, are they still successful?”
If you don’t personally know any families who homeschool, try to search online for local Christian co-ops where you can get involved! If you do know other families who homeschool, they can be a wonderful encouragement to you as you begin! Ask questions, set up times for your kids to play if you can, plan field trips together occasionally, or start your own co-op! God gave the Church fellowship to equip and encourage, and I believe it’s helpful for homeschool families as well!
So… Get Excited and Get Started!
Earlier this school year, I was doing history with my 4th grade daughter. We were discussing segregation in our country in the post-Civil War era. It led to a conversation that sounded something like this:
Me: Do you think that (segregation) sounds right?
Her: No!
Me: Right, plus there’s only one race.
Her: The human race.
Me: Exactly.
Her: We’re all in Adam’s race, I heard you say that once.
Me: Yep. Which means we’re all born...
Her: Sinful.
Me: So what do we need?
Her: Forgiveness.
Me: How do we get it?
Her: Through Jesus!
That’s why we are here. That’s why we endure the long days, the messy houses, the time and effort it takes to finish school daily, the lack of time to be alone (I’ve been interrupted at least a thousand times as I write this!), and all the other challenges that may come with homeschooling. Conversations about ordinary school topics that lead to the gospel. They’re worth it. Your kids are worth it! And you will be sanctified as you teach them and use every area of their schooling to point to Christ.
If you are new to homeschooling, I’m so excited for you and the journey you’re embarking on! I truly believe that any family, regardless of their circumstances, can make homeschooling a reality! Hopefully this can serve as a jumping off point for you as you begin! Ultimately, you are investing in the lives of your children! The days may be long, but the years are short. Embrace each opportunity you have with your children, while they’re still in your home.