Posts tagged Psalms
Finding Forgiveness (Psalm 130)

As one of his earliest hymns, written in 1523 (a mere six years after nailing the 95 Theses), the words express precisely the inner struggle—and subsequent peace of mind—felt by Luther after learning the truths of the Gospel that had been so thoroughly obscured by the Roman Catholic religion throughout his early life. In short, this psalm described Luther’s own journey in finding forgiveness.

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Help From the God Who Hates (Psalm 5)

Far from being personally vindictive, imprecatory prayers offered in the right spirit are the means by which the saints of God express faith that their persecutors will be prosecuted. And it is actually the hatred of God, expressed in eternal wrath toward the unrepentant, that frees believers to love their enemies in this life.

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A Better Thanksgiving (Psalm 63)

This holiday offers a time of festivity and feasting, physical nourishment for an aching stomach. Yet, spiritual nourishment for an aching soul can't be found in this food. Turkey satisfies our stomach, and pumpkin pie satisfies our sweet tooth, but only the Lord Jesus Christ satisfies the soul.

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