As you do the verse-by-verse work of expository parenting in the home, there necessarily needs to be an evangelistic aspect to your ministry. This is particularly true because it would be naive to assume that your kids are all saved.
Read MoreChristians, if we truly believe that our children do not belong in secular education, let’s do more than say it. Let’s live it. Let’s be the hands and feet of Jesus. Let’s reach out to the families around us who need a hand up.
Read MoreEven though there is some understandable confusion when it comes to the Trinity and simplicity, believing the two doctrines contradict one another requires a dangerous assumption.
Read MoreChristians don’t need to prove that we are just as good as the world. Our children were given to us by God, and His ways our higher than ours. Often, homeschoolers are so busy trying to outdo the world that we forget what God has called us to.
Read MoreAs the argument goes, certain doctrines are explicitly taught in Scripture and those doctrines require divine simplicity to be coherent. Therefore, if 1) a certain doctrine can be proven exegetically and 2) that doctrine necessitates simplicity, then 3) simplicity is just as “biblical” as the original doctrine.
Read MoreSending children back to school after Christmas break is often seen as getting back to normal. But it’s only been “normal” for the past century.
Read MoreTeaching children for 12 long years without God in any of the curriculum teaches them that God is not important, that nations and discoveries and music and architecture are all disconnected from Him. And in the end, our children will be disconnected from Him, as well.
Read MoreWe are free to preach the gospel without violent persecution and through more mediums than ever. Yet, I believe there is a subtle temptation to think that legal freedom and access to social platforms means that Christians can say whatever they want, whenever they want.
Read MoreParents, please guard your children’s hearts. Those little hearts and minds are in your hands. They desperately need the safety and security of the home.
Read MoreGod gives us many commands throughout scripture. Why do we obey them? Is it because we are guaranteed a certain outcome? Does He promise “if you do this, then this will happen”? Rarely. We follow God’s commands because we trust Him.
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