I will first survey some things I appreciate about the show; then, I will survey what I dislike; finally, I will touch on the more current controversy on the line “I am the Law of Moses.”
Read MoreAs we survey the origin of Thanksgiving, and consider a biblical framework for thankfulness, my hope is that you will begin to experience an overflow of Christ-centered, grace-empowered gratitude and gladness to the one, true, and living God.
Read MoreWe know that these men and women were Puritans, intent on worshiping God in a simple, Protestant fashion. But did you know? They were also radical Christian parents.
Read MoreIt’s no wonder that 1 Peter 3:7 refers to marriage as “the grace of life.” But to benefit from this picture of a godly relationship in the Song of Solomon, we must handle the text aright. Unfortunately, there are scores of people who mangle it; don’t be counted among them.
Read MoreEliminating debt is difficult, and applying this strategy will help you apply the other strategies and give you the needed motivation to keep going.
Read MoreIn this final article in the series, then, we will spend our time focusing on soli Deo gloria, which means: “For the glory of God alone.” Many have said that this sola is like a magnet that draws all the other solas together into one, unified whole. It’s like the glue that binds them in continuity.
Read MoreSince Jesus is the founder and perfecter of our faith, it is essential that we affirm the biblical truths concerning the person and work of Christ (Heb. 12:2). For the Reformers, the reality of Christ’s sufficiency is really where the heart of the issue was found.
Read MoreDear Christian, it is time we live like the children of the Reformation. Let the word of God be our guide, not just an inspirational reading. Let it be the worldview curriculum that we use to raise our children in this ungodly world.
Read MoreAnd so it is by faith, alone, in the perfect person and perfect work of Jesus Christ that our children can be justified before God. It is through faith, alone, that they can look away from themselves and gaze upon Christ.
Read MoreIn the current debate over the use, abuse, and misuse of Aquinas, certain generalizations have been touted so frequently that they are often accepted as fact. One of those generalizations is that our favorite Reformers, Luther and Calvin, uniformly rejected Aquinas. But does this claim hold water?
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