The Parent As Shepherd

All this to say, our roles as parents in the home must indeed resemble the roles that a pastor fulfills in the church. Know how to lead a church and you’ll know how to lead a family. To that end, the first role that a parent must emulate is that of a shepherd.

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Josh Niemi Comments
Enemies of the Faith: Part 3—The Devil

This enemy is the most powerful enemy we face. He’s an enemy that the Bible calls the false god of this world and the prince of the power of the air (2 Cor 4:4; Eph 2:2). He’s the enemy that is the evil master and slave driver of every person living on planet earth who is not believing in Jesus Christ for salvation. This enemy is known as the devil.

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Enemies of the Faith: Part 2—The Flesh

With a sobering warning, the Apostle Paul explains that there is a fallen faculty within us all known as the flesh. For genuine believers, then, there is a constant tension that takes place within us, because the flesh desires to please self, while our new heart, born of the Spirit, desires to please God.

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ExpositionKevin HayComment